Schedule 1 Commission Fees and Charges
Management Type
1. Letting Only Service - 8% including VAT of gross rental for the term of the tenancy
2. Rent Demand Service - 10% including VAT
3. Property Management Service - 12% including VAT
4. HMO Management Service - 12% including VAT
There is a minimum fee of £720 including VAT for all the above Services or the percentage of the fee for each Service being the equivalent of six months’ commission whichever is the greater even if not negotiated by Charles Orlebar Estate Agents
New Tenants and Check In
5. Stage 1 - Tenant Referencing and application - £235 including VAT
6. Stage 2 – Build tenancy documentation and audit compliance - £360 including VAT
7. Preparation of an Inventory and Final Inspection by an inventory clerk - Per Report - Minimum charge £100 for two hours, thereafter £50 per hour, including VAT
8. Withdrawal from an Agreed offer - 50% of one months rent value including VAT
9. Registration for the Tenancy Deposit Scheme - £36 including VAT
Extentions and General
10. Preparation of an Extension Agreement for the tenancy; - £180 including VAT
11. Consultancy for the following:
- Additional visits to a Property if we are managing
- Waiting time at the Property
- Having extra keys cut:
- Arranging cleaning prior to the start of a tenancy if not managing;
- Arranging safety checks;
- Installation of smake or carbon monoide detectors
- Obtaining consent from a lender or a superior landlord
For each: £36 including VAT
plus mileage if relevant at £0.45 pence per mile;
12. Visits during a void period for each visit (one every 2 weeks); - £30 including VAT
13. Arrangement fee for MAINTENANCE WORKS over £300
Arranging access & assessing costs with contractor. Ensuring work has been carried out in accordance with the specification of works. Retaining any warranty or guarantee because of any works. - 12% including VAT of the works cost
14. Tax retention for a non-resident landlord per quarter - £50 including VAT
15. Preparation of documentation for Court proceedings or TDS adjudication: - £50 including VAT per hour.
16. Attendance by Charles Orlebar Estate Agents at Court or a tribunal on behalf of the Landlord: - £85 including VAT per hour plus reasonable costs and expenses of Charles Orlebar Estate Agents
17. Hardcopy statements provided to the Landlord or his accountant for the statements covering all or part of the tax year – this info is avaible on line for landlord to download directly for free. - £12 including VAT per year printed
18. Photocoing of documents – regardless of number - £12 including VAT
19. Sales Commission if Tenant purchases the property - 1.20% inclusive VAT of the gross purchase price
20. Cost of specialist advertising or brochures: - Details upon request but subject to additional charges.
21. Tenancy surrender deed and process - £300 including VAT
22. Obtaining additional contractor quotes if requested (beyond two in hand) - £12 including VAT per quote